Customers & Suppliers
All API Operations related with Customers & Suppliers
Last updated
All API Operations related with Customers & Suppliers
Last updated
Retrieves all the customers or suppliers that match with provided filters
Send this as true if you would like to list suppliers.
Send this as true if you would like to list customers.
Retrieves a customer or supplier by its unique ID or user-generated customer or supplier ID.
Creates a new Customer or Supplier from scratch
A unique code for this customer / supplier. Should be a unique alpha numeric string.
A short name for this customer / supplier. This will be the visible name of this business entity.
Should be true if this business entity is a customer.
Should be true if this business entity is a supplier.
Legal company name for this business entity that is going to be used in invoices and billing.
TaxID or VAT number of the business entity.
Registered Tax office.
Billing Address of the business entity.
City of the registered billing address.
Country of the registered billing address. You can find the available countries here.
District / region of the registered billing address.
State of the registered billing address.
Postal code of the registered billing address.
Contact person's email
Company's or contact person's phone
IBAN number of the bank account of the business entity.
Updates an existing customer or supplier
A unique code for this customer / supplier. Should be a unique alpha numeric string.
A short name for this customer / supplier. This will be the visible name of this business entity.
Should be true if this business entity is a customer.
Should be true if this business entity is a supplier.
Legal company name for this business entity that is going to be used in invoices and billing.
TaxID or VAT number of the business entity.
Registered Tax office.
Billing Address of the business entity.
City of the registered billing address.
Country of the registered billing address. You can find the available countries here.
District / region of the registered billing address.
State of the registered billing address.
Postal code of the registered billing address.
Contact person's email
Company's or contact person's phone
IBAN number of the bank account of the business entity.