
The Nuvio API follows HTTP status code semantics.

2xx codes signify success, 4xx mostly represent user error, 5xx generally correspond to a server error. The error messages will return a JSON-encoded body that contains errors field. Those will provide specific error condition and human-readable message to identify what caused the error.

Successful request response:

    "success": true,
    "errors": null,
    "data": [

Failed request response:

    "success": false,
    "errors": ["Your request requires a valid authentication token. Please provide a valid token to proceed."]

Success code

200 OK

Request completed successfully.

User error codes

These errors generally indicate a problem on the client side. If you are getting one of these, check your code and the request details.

400 Bad Request

The request encoding is invalid; the request can't be parsed as a valid JSON.

401 Unauthorized

Accessing a protected resource without authorization or with invalid credentials.

403 Forbidden

Accessing a protected resource with API credentials that don't have access to that resource.

404 Not Found

Route or resource is not found. This error is returned when the request hits an undefined route, or if the resource doesn't exist (e.g. has been deleted).

413 Request Entity Too Large

The request exceeded the maximum allowed payload size. You shouldn't encounter this under normal use.

422 Invalid Request

The request data is invalid. This includes most of the base-specific validations. You will receive a detailed error message and code pointing to the exact issue.

Server error codes

These errors generally represent an error on our side. In the event of a 5xx error code, detailed information about the error will be automatically recorded, and Nuvio's developers will be notified.

500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition.

502 Bad Gateway

Nuvio's servers are restarting or an unexpected outage is in progress. You should generally not receive this error, and requests are safe to retry.

503 Service Unavailable

The server could not process your request in time. The server could be temporarily unavailable, or it could have timed out processing your request. You should retry the request with backoffs.

Last updated